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Blog Settings

Within the blog settings section, you have several options that impact how your website's blog behaves.

Enabling your blog

The first field on the blog settings page is titled 'Enable your blog?'; a switch field which, if set to 'Yes', will publish all pages and other content associated with your blog on your website.

Only blog posts that are also published will be visible. Any drafted, hidden or trashed posts will not be available to your visitors.

Disabling your blog

If you change this field to the 'No' position, your blog will be removed from your website, and all pages and posts associated with it will instead redirect to an 'Error 404' page. You can reverse this anytime by returning the switch to the 'Yes' position.

No content will be deleted if you disable your blog.

Posts per page

The second field, entitled 'Show how many posts per page?', sets how many blog posts will be visible on your blog's front page and within any blog post categories you create.

This field has a minimum value of one and a maximum of one hundred.

A good number is between 10-20 posts per page, but the exact number depends on the design of your blog; pick a number that only requires your visitors to scroll for a short time before reaching the bottom of the page.

Other posts

The following two fields control the appearance of the 'Other posts' block found typically at the bottom of a single blog post page. This block shows other blog posts that may interest your visitors.

You can set a title for this block on the blog settings page and set how many posts should be shown. The blog settings allow a minimum of one post and a maximum of twenty. We recommend three to four posts for best results, but again, what looks best will depend on your theme's design.

The author profile

The next field is another switch field, 'Display the author profile?'.

This field allows you to define whether or not the author profile that can appear on a single blog post should be visible.

No posts message

The last two fields allow you to configure the 'no posts message' on your blog's front page if you don't have any blog posts published.

The first field lets you set the title for the message, while the second allows you to set the content below the title.

This message will disappear and be replaced with your blog posts once you publish them on your website.

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