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The link field

The link field is one of Easy Eatery's most important field types.

This field allows you to link to content across your website and beyond.

It's available within many standard blocks and can be added to any custom blocks you create.

Here's an example of a link field within the page builder:

Other unrelated fields in the example above are faded out.

The link settings popup

When you click on a link field, you'll be shown the 'Link settings' popup:

When editing a link field within the page builder, you have access to several fields, depending on how the link field is currently setup, some may not be visible:

Element Description
Link type

This field is always available. It lets you specify the type of link that this field has. Links can be one of three types:

  1. Another page — an internal link to another page on your website
  2. Scroll to a bookmark on this page — when clicked, this link will scroll the user to a bookmark block added to the same page as the link field.
  3. Custom link — a custom URL which could be for any other website on the internet.
Destination page

Visible only when 'Another page' is selected in the 'Link type' field. This drop-down select contains a list of every page and menu on your website, besides blog posts. Simply choose the page you want to link to from the list.

Select a bookmark

Visible only when 'Scroll to a bookmark on this page' is selected in the 'Link type' field. Displays a list of all available bookmarks on the current page. The list is refreshed each time you add or update a bookmark. If you change the name of a bookmark you will need to update any bookmark links accordingly.

Destination URL

Visible only when 'Custom link' is selected in the 'Link type' field. You can enter any valid web address into this field. When the link is clicked the visitor will be taking to the web address you enter here.

Display text

Only visible if the link field is configured to require a text label. The display text is the visible text label of a link field.

If you choose a page or bookmark whilst this field is empty, Easy Eatery will autofill this field with the name of the page or bookmark you selected, but this can be overridden at any time.

Opens in a new window when clicked?

Visible only if the 'Link type' field is not set to 'Scroll to a bookmark on this page'. This checkbox determines how the link behaves when clicked.

If the checkbox is checked, the link will open a new browser window or tab when the link is clicked. If not checked, the link will open within the same browser tab or window as the website.

The 'Save' button

The teal 'save' button will save any changes you've made to the link field you're editing and close the link settings popup.

The 'Clear' button

The grey 'clear' button will reset the link field you're editing to the default empty state and will close the link settings popup.

The 'Close' button

The close button (The 'X' button at the top right of the link settings popup) will discard any changes you've made to the link field you're editing and will close the link settings popup.

Easy Eatery keeps internal links up to date

When adding a link to a page, if you select the link type 'Another page', the link to the page you select will be kept up to date, even if the URL of the selected page changes.

Editing a link

To edit a link, all you need to do is:

  1. Click on a link field to open the 'Link settings' popup,
  2. Choose the link type and either select the destination page, or bookmark or enter a custom URL,
  3. If required to do so, enter the display text for the link field,
  4. Choose wether or not you want the link to open in a new window,
  5. And save your changes

Once you save your changes the link field will update to show them:

When a link field has been setup, one final element appears, the 'Visit link' button.

When clicked, this will take you to the destination URL of the link field. Within your My Easy Eatery control panel, this link will always open in a new window, regardless of how the link field is set up.

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