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With Easy Eatery, you have complete control over the content of each page on your website using our block-based page builder.

You can find a list of all pages on your website within the pages section of your My Easy Eatery control panel.

Pages are listed in alphabetical order (with the exception of the homepage, which is always at the top of the first page).

For each page listed here, the following information is displayed:

Column Description
Status icon

The status icon indicates the current status of the given page. There are four possible statuses for any page:

  1. Published — Icon: A teal eye — A published page is visible to everyone, indexable by search engines and will appear within any navigation menus it is added to.
  2. Hidden — Icon: A light grey padlock — A hidden page is effectively an 'unpublished' page. A hidden page is not visible to anyone, is not indexable by search engines, and will not appear within any navigation menus it is added to.
  3. Draft— Icon: A blue pencil— A draft page behaves the same as a hidden page; the only difference is in the name. It is helpful to have, as new pages that aren't yet ready to be published can be set as a draft, which makes them easy to find.
  4. Trashed— Icon: A red trash canA trashed page behaves the same as a hidden page; however, it has been sent to the trash in preparation for being deleted.
Page name & URL

This column displays content on two rows:

  1. The name of the page,
  2. The canonical URL slug (link) for the page, which is clickable.
Last updated

This column displays the date and time that the page was last modified.

If this is within the past 24 hours, it will be in the 'time ago' format (for example, 'A few moments ago', or '6 hours ago' etc.) If it has been more than a day, it will display the full date and time instead.

This column will also display the name of the user who last modified the page.


The cog icon at the end of each row is a clickable button that will open the actions menu for a page. You can perform several actions for each page on your website:

  1. Edit. Click this link to edit the selected page's content and settings.
  2. Unpublish and Publish. These two options change the page's status between 'hidden' and 'published' without going into the page editor.
  3. Trash. This link will send the selected page to the trash.
  4. Delete. Not illustrated; however, this link will permanently delete a page (provided it has first been sent to the trash).
  5. View. This link will open the selected page in a new window. 

At the very top of the list of pages, you have the 'Add a new page' button, which lets you begin the process of creating a new page.

Below this, but above the list of pages, you can find the search field, which allows you to search within the title of pages to find a specific page quickly.

There are also status filters which appear if you have pages of different statuses available. These allow you to filter your view to show pages of only a specific status.

Finally, below the list of pages (but not illustrated above) are the pagination controls.

In this section

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